Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tidestore Reviews-Zipper Lapel Slim Women's Casual Blazer

Have you ever ordered some items from tidestore? How about it? At first, I'll share with you a blazer and then will share some tidestore reviews for you reading.

Let's read some tidestore customer reviews:
Kur nje mikesha ime me sygjeroi te blija nje produkt tek Tidestore, mendova se do te merrja nje produkt sipas shijeve dhe peritshmerive te mia, por ne fakt ndodhi e kunderta. Produkti me erdhi i demtuar dhe cilesia e tij linte shume per te deshiruar. U zhgenjeva disi dhe kontaktova per pakenaqesine time. Ata me kthyen pergjigje shume vone, pra arrita te kuptoj qe kjo faqe ose kopani ka probleme jo vetem me cilesine e produktit por edhe me korrektesine ne kthimin e pergjigjeve te ankesave te klienteve. Heren tjeter do ta mendoj dy here nese do me duhet te blej ndonje produkt online tek Sidoqofte edhe pse me vonese ata me kthyen pergjigje dhe me thane se do te me rimbursonin te gjitha parate e shpenzuara per produktin e blere, se paku ne kete pike u treguan korrekt. Gjithashtu me premtuan se produktin tjeter do ta merrja falas. Epo gjysma e se keqes apo jo?. Shpresoj te kete permiresime ne vazhdim kjo faqe, do e rimendoj serish vendimin tim per te blere ose jo ketu.


Problemi im i mesiperm u zgjidh me sukses. Faleminderit SiteJabber per pergjigjen e shpejte nga ana juaj dhe shqetesimin qe shfaqet ne zgjidhjen e problemit tim. Tani besoj vertete se i mbani premtimet tuaja per cdo klient. Edhe nje shoqja ime kishte pasur fillimisht nje eksperience jo te mire por ju ja zgjidhet edhe asaj menjehere problemin. Ndonjehere probleme te tilla ndodhin ne faqet dhe blerjet online. Faleminderit. Jeni me te miret.

Have waited for over a week on my order, no dress came till now. Could someone kindly email me and let me know my order status, thank you.

I really need it urgently for the upcoming party.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tidestore Reviews-Solid Color Slim Square Neck Crisscross Women's Blouse

This is Solid Color Slim Square Neck Crisscross Women's Blouse and many ladies love its unique design. You can know the details from the following pictures also you can read some tidestore reviews below.

If you love this one, please come to our website to order it, because it's really so hot these days.

Now, let's read some tidestore reviews:
I ordered two overcoats and got them in two weeks. The packing was neat. The overcoats were perfect fit. I loved the fabric and soft touch of these two overcoats! Amazing quality, excellent stitching and looks very stylish! The one thing I would especially like to mention is that the buttons and zippers are of excellent quality! I get so many complements! I am looking for some stylish bags and have seen the collection on Ready for my next purchase!

Don't waste your time. I bought a few dresses from and set to return as they weren't good quality and one of them was the wrong product. it's been over 3 weeks however nobody is picking my call or respondent my emails. Beware! do not buy anything from here.

But the representative helps me a lot, thank you for your service.